Classic Game Room's Nintendo Switch Collector's Review Guide
Classic Game Room's Nintendo Switch Collector's Review Guide has everything you need to get started in the exciting world of Nintendo Switch. What are the best wired and wireless controllers? What are some of the best games for all ages? What carrying case is recommended and how do you make the Joy-Cons fit adult hands?
This unofficial guide for Nintendo Switch owners is filled with beautiful photographs, reviews and information about this revolutionary game system. Written by writer, artist, and photographer Mark Bussler. Mark is the producer of Classic Game Room, the longest running Internet video game review show. Over the years he has reviewed over 4000 video games and accumulated more than 120 game consoles.
Chapter List:
7. A Brief History of Nintendo
8. Why the Switch is Special
11. Hook Up Your Switch
13. Controller Options
16. Recommended Games
18. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
20. Blaster Master Zero
22. Super Mario Odyssey
24. Blazing Star
26. Namco Museum
28. Street Fighter II
30. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
32. Zed Blade
34. Splatoon 2
36. Pokken Tournament DX
38. Accessories
40. Hori RAP Hayabusa
44. Horipad Wired Controller
48. Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
52. Joy-Con Controller Grips
56. Game Traveler Deluxe Travel Case
60. Amiibo -Mark