CGR Supreme Collection 1 plus Commentary Video
3 Hours of Classic Game Room plus Bonus Commentary Video!
Take a trip through an eclectic array
of CGR reviews that cover a wide variety
of video games and hardware.CGR Supreme Collection 1 includes
reviews of:Truxton Arcade Machine
Robocop Pinball
Rolling Thunder 2 - Sega Genesis
Space Cavern - Atari 2600
Assetto Corsa - PS4
Chuck Norris Superkicks - Atari 2600
Gunlord - Sega Dreamcast
Phalanx - SNES
Virtua Fighter - Sega 32X
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World - Master System
Game Boy Camera
Make My Video Marky Mark
and the Funky Bunch - Sega CD
Firepower 2000 - SNES
Solar Fox - Atari 2600
Sleeping Dogs - PS4
Sin and Punishment - N64
Mouse Trap - Atari 2600
Vanquish - Xbox 360
Bird Week - Famicom
Vandal Hearts - PlayStation
Silpheed - Sega CD
The R-Zone